FLARF! HBO! {Lime Tree}

Oh Wall Street Journal, how you loll me into a false sense of mastery with your side bar stories and your careful grammar. Today on WSJ.com, I learned two things of some importance:

1. Flarf is the new Dada in poetry. In this engaging and likely posthumous article, a whole internet subculture interested in search, seizure, rhyme and meter reveals itself. I find it wonderful. Between Twitter Haiku and the emergence of the Flarf, I feel confident about the future of poetry.

2. HBO has negotiated a deal to bring a la carte content to the Sony Playstation 3. The question is: will other IPTV sources follow suit? (Roku, I am staring right at you, here.) I have four fingers and six toes crossed. Liberty = fewer channels of better content.

Did I mention the new Banksy movie? (I’m so very up to date these last two days.)


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