The NY Times Weighs In: the Venice Biennale

NY Times Venice Biennale Weighing in with such wonderful lines as:

If any show can be said to reflect a larger state of affairs in art now, this one suggests a somewhat dull, deflated contemporary art world, professionalized to a fault, in search of a fresh consensus. It has prompted the predictable cooing from wishful insiders, burbling vaguely about newfound introspection and gravity.

Amen. “Burbling vaguely?” How about “reciting ancient incantations whose magic and meaning have been lost to time?”

Another great bit:

They saw themselves as liberationists, optimists, fabulists and troublemakers without exactly being ideologues, who shared an almost alchemical knack for transforming scrappy materials and tests of sensual awareness into fine modernist forms.

What fun is art if it doesn’t allow you to be (or hang around with) liberationists, fabulists and troublemakers?

For a review written of the Biennale written by a fabulist troublemaker, try this article.


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